Monday, July 11, 2005


GPS Coordinates of Flooding on Google Maps

Here is a link to Google Maps showing the intersection that has flooded after winds from Hurricane Dennis passed through.

The GPS coordinates are latitude 33.809212 and longitude -84.513756.

The flooded intersection appears within the photo centered at the top of the page. The street that runs left to right is darker (Roberts Drive) and the street that runs top to bottom is lighter (Brookside Drive).


Record Flooding in Johnston's Crossing subdivision

The Johnston's Crossing subdivision first residents moved in back in 1987. No one has ever seen as much flooding after a storm.

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Potentially Dangerous Electrical Boxes Underwater

Two power boxes directly across the street from one another are almost submerged the morning after remnant weather from Hurricane Dennis passes through.

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Neighbors Can Only Watch the Flooding

Neighbors observing the flooded one-way-in-one-way-out street in Johnston's Crossing subdivision. Neighbors were unable to go to work, school, and daycare.

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Hurricane Dennis Leaves Record in Mableton, GA subdivision

The most significant flooding within the Johnston's Crossing subdivision's history in Mableton, GA USA

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Street Flooding After Hurricane Dennis

More flooding in Johnston's Crossing subdivision in Mableton, GA USA

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